Sam and Emma married several years ago. It was the second marriage for both of them, though both had children from previous relationships. Sam’s children from were happy, but also concerned about th...
Are My Beneficiary Designations Important?
David’s family was relieved to realize he had completed an estate plan several years before his death at age 72. However, their relief turned to dismay as the estate’s personal representative bega...
What to Expect at a Real Estate Closing
Striking a deal to buy or sell real property sets other processes in motion. Whether you are the buyer or the seller, you may be involved with lenders, closing agents, real estate agents, attorneys, i...
Advantages to Mergers and Acquisitions Deals
A merger is a deal where two companies join together as fairly equal partners. Sometimes the two companies involved simply form a brand new company. Other mergers result in the merging of previous nam...
You Need To Start Planning Now and With Your Lawyer Too!
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act creates many opportunities for business owners and investors. The opportunities are like nothing we have seen in the last 30 years. You will need an appropriate structure...
Goals of a Master Service Agreement
Many professional service companies use master service agreements with their clients. A master service agreement contains important agreements that have been negotiated with the client. Being clear ab...
Protect Your Heirs with Spendthrift Provisions
Most of us have the best intentions when making decisions about who will get our property after we’re gone. Developing a comprehensive estate plan usually gives us a sense of accomplishment and peac...
Are You Ready for the New IRS Enhanced Partnership Audit Rules?
Thinking of the IRS strikes fear in most of us, especially when “IRS” is used in conjunction with the word “audit.” This is especially true when IRS regulations change, requiring a fresh look ...
How to Overcome Estate Planning Excuses
They pop up when we least expect it – excuses. We know we need to do something, but put it off day after day. To-do lists get so long we become intimidated, then decide to chuck it all and go fishin...
Protecting Against Ransomware Attacks
Cyberattacks are on the rise. In addition to hacking, managed service providers and their clients must now be on guard against evolving cyber-risks, including ransomware is becoming more prevalent. In...