If you work in the construction industry, you need to be familiar with the reasons and process for filing a mechanics lien. Construction law and the related contracts can be complex and making a mista...
Common Details You Need to Look at In Your Business Lease
When embarking upon an opportunity to lease commercial real estate, your business has undoubtedly viewed many alternatives, worked with a professional to secure market research, and viewed acceptable ...
So, You Want to Form a Non-Profit?
There are many different choices to make when you form a legal entity. Depending on your goal, you may want to form a non-profit. Hospitals, trade groups, small charities, social clubs, and grant-fund...
Best Practices for Business Social Media Accounts
Almost all small businesses are now getting on social media platforms as they are inexpensive and effective ways to advertise and attract customers. Whether you run your own social media accounts or h...
The Basics on Business NDAs
In many business to business transactions, before information can be exchanged, both parties sign a non-disclosure agreement or NDA. A well-drafted NDA helps assure both parties that the confidentiali...
Finding the Right Insurance for Your Business
You have health, car, and home insurance because sometimes, stuff happens that you can’t control or predict. Similarly, when you run a business, sometimes the unexpected happens. Equipment is destro...
Understanding Shareholder Activism
As corporations get larger, shareholders are often less and less involved, especially when they only own a small portion of the enterprise. A new trend is the rise of activist shareholders, owners wit...
Do You Want to Hire Someone as an Independent Contractor or Employee?
For business in certain industries such as high tech, it is often common to hire people as independent contractors rather than as employees. In some cases, it’s because they’re hiring them for a s...
Key Employee Retention for MSPs and Other Tech Companies
One challenge facing MSPs and many other businesses, especially in the tech sector, is attracting and retaining top talent. As business attorneys, we see how a variety of businesses have handled this ...
What is the Business Duty of Care?
As the owner of a business, you have certain fiduciary responsibilities to your business, including the duty of loyalty, the duty of obedience, and the duty of care. These duties are designed to make ...