Debtor/Creditor Relations

Return on Investment
Working with Banks, commercial creditors and debtors to restructure debt, recover from assets pledge to secure debt (including real estate foreclosure) all to facilitate the desired result of the client. Notably, litigation is on of the tools at the client’s disposal, but utilized as a process of last resort. Clients are rarely served by the immediate initiation of litigation. This process leads to a higher probability of a less costly result. The Virtus Law objective is for the client to experience a return on their legal investment.
Technology Practices
Technology has taken over the collections practice but, in a negative way. Tailored representations have yielded to robo-signing type processes that remove the “personal” aspects associated with successful collection proceedings. We take our client mattes personally. We utilize technology to increase efficiency, not replace genuine and authentic representation.
Fee structures available:
- Hourly
- Staged flat fee
- Contingent fee
- Blended fee structures
- Community banks
- National banks
- Portfolio owners
- Commercial businesses